Name: Dr. Balaji Bhyravbhatla
Designation: Managing Director
Company: HyLasCo Bio-Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd
Education: PhD. Biophysics, Brandeis University in Boston, MA, USA
Summary: Dr. Balaji Bhyravbhatla obtained his Ph.D in Biophysics from Brandeis University in Boston, MA, USA and was a faculty in University of Massachusetts medical school where he was instrumental in starting the research core in structural biology and training programs in structural biology in the Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His technical expertise is in Computational Biophysics, Bio- informatics, Pre-clinical drug discovery and mechanism of action studies, small molecule characterization and API developments, FDA regulatory mechanisms, patents and formulating IP strategies and medical devices. He founded XtalSoft to create a LIMS system for laboratories and later co-founded XTAL Biostructures (Boston, MA, USA) for structure guided drug discovery services. He led XTAL as its CEO to a multimillion dollar self-funded company with multiple Fortune 500 companies as its clients. Recently he started Hylasco Biotechnology in 2012 partnering with Charles River Laboratories of USA and other internationally reputed manufactures and suppliers of animalmodels and related services. His vision is to bring down the cost of drug discovery by providing

appropriate animal models and latest technologies in a cost effective way to the Indian Pharma and Biotech sectors. His interests span areas of Artificial Intelligence in Bio-computing and Drug Discovery to modern methods of Data analysis using latest tools. He is also founder of MANTHAN Therapeutics and Technologies to asses and utilize the latest advancements in natural products for novel drug development and utilization of new computational methods (Mass Spec, AI, Block chain, Digital Imaging) in drug discovery and development.