The Agriculture of Today

 Ploughing. Sowing. Irrigating. Growing. Harvesting. Willowing. The traditional forms of agriculture always put itself to be exemplary to the art of farming, the sweat-induced efforts and putting food on the table. From weathering devastating storms till enduring painstricken crop pricing, the farming community have several bravery scars to stand and tell their stories. With the introduction to technology, bringing a millions ideas to fruition, the agriculture industry has leapt quite a distance to skip a few steps and at the same time avoid the crisis uncalled for.


The stunning cultivation process without having to use soil. The hydroponics technique has solved a lot of problems with the decreasing land areas ,overpopulation and water scarcity. Hydroponics involves interruptible supply of water doing all the work of irrigation, providing nutrients, maintaining the right nutrient balance and the adequate temperature and moisture to the plant. A spectacular breakthrough along with vertical farming, which uses light technique to provide the ideal amount of pigment material for plants, equivalent to the sun rays. 

Another technology going hand in hand with Hydroponics is Aeronomics, suspending plant roots in the air to provide nutrition with dense mist. Both hydroponics and aernomics are highly efficient conserving water levels upto 95% in comparison with conventional farming. 

AI Operated Agriculture 

Farming is labour intensive and requires critical decision making in every step of the way. In some scenarios, certain inevitable circumstances like weather are a massive harbinger to crop damage and soil infertility. Many agritech companies have come up with brilliant IT and operating models that monitor soil nutrient rate and irrigation levels, which is called data driven smart farming. This involves an installation of a device into farmlands, requiring data connectivity,  collecting data on temperature, soil fertility, and weather forecasting.  Based on the collected data, the software, which is easily accessible through smartphones. then suggests the right required levels of water, nutrients and foreshadows  weather conditions to preserve croplife. 

Farm management  

An extension to AI operated farming, several agritechs have developed softwares and solutions bringing ease to farming processes. With the self self-automated technology, these solutions are not only efficient, but also help in serving sustainable goals through smart farming, the crop health and farm financing are  just at your fingertips.





Smart Farming equipment

With the rapid advancement in technology to develop innovative and adaptable agricultural solutions, agritech companies have released smart farming equipment, for people and institutions to use dynamic farming features in their everyday life. The products manifesting these groundbreaking technologies are accessible to farmers , known or unknown, of every kind and walks of life. 




Crop quality assessment

Quality food is an essential part of human life. To ensure that quality, companies have come up with technologies and solutions to assess food quality levels that determine which foods and crops are suitable to get through the doors of the marketplace. By checking the right nutrient levels, size and sufficiency, it has become easier to sort and assimilate crops in varied qualities to a segmented standard,  what can be called farm fresh.

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July 27, 2021

The Agriculture of Today